My Whole Self Day
11 March 2025
A chance for workplaces to celebrate and support people’s different backgrounds and experiences.
Two LawCare Champions, Andrea and Julie, share what it means to them to be able to be themselves at work.
My Whole Self Day is a chance for workplaces to celebrate and support people’s different backgrounds and experiences.
➡️ We want workplaces to encourage employees to be their full selves at work, including their background, sexuality, religion, gender, health, and mental health.
➡️ When diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing come together, workplaces can create real, positive change.
➡️ People do their best work when they feel safe and supported, leading to stronger teams, new ideas, and better results (psychological safety).
Two LawCare Champions shared what it means to them to be able to be themselves at work.
It’s a strain to masquerade as someone else, to pretend to be OK when you’re not, to keep things hidden and deny yourself the support you need. Day by day, it erodes your confidence, your energy, your productivity. LawCare’s research has shown that people from marginalised groups are more likely to suffer burnout, and it’s easy to imagine why if their working environment prevents them expressing themselves and suppresses their contributions.
However unfashionable diversity and inclusion may be right now, in a political sense, the business case for them remains strong. Provide a workplace where your team members can be open about their identities, where they feel comfortable and supported and respected, and you will see their performance improve. Allow all their different perspectives to be heard, and you will gain yourself a more innovative and adaptable workforce. Help them bring their whole selves to work – without fear, without judgement – and you will find them not only healthier and happier but also more loyal.
What better way to unlock someone’s potential than simply to say: "We value you as you are"?
Andrea Brewster OBE CPA, Lead Executive Officer of IP Inclusive and LawCare Champion

✨ My Whole Safe Day: Embracing authenticity at work ✨
Let's be honest, it's exhausting not being your true self at work! Unfortunately, I have spent a significant portion of my career working for employers whose values didn't align with mine. This misalignment forced me to adapt who I am, sacrifice my core values, and compromise my beliefs. Without a doubt, this has greatly affected my mental health.
Fortunately, with the growing emphasis on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, phrases like "be your authentic self" or "be true to yourself" are becoming more common. So, do you feel empowered to bring your whole self to work?
Whether you work in a psychologically safe environment or not, I am passionate about empowering others to embrace their authentic selves. It is both liberating and a privilege. Everyone should be proud of who they are, and despite any pressure to act otherwise, being true to yourself should be actively encouraged by employers. When different perspectives and experiences are shared and respected, workplaces become more inclusive, collaborative, and progressive.
Letting others see your vulnerability and authenticity is empowering. Trust me!
As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I have learned to be proud of who I am. I now work for an employer where my voice is heard, my feelings are validated, and I feel respected and valued. This supportive environment reduces my anxiety and increases my engagement and productivity at work.
Be the change and influence others to do the same by bringing your whole self to work. It will have a lasting impact on many people - often without you realising it. Hopefully, over time, this will lead to a shift in attitudes and the creation of a psychologically safer work environment for the present and the future generation."
Julie Hedge, LawCare Champion