
Huge leap in the number of legal professionals with career concerns

LawCare's 2022 impact report shows that nearly a quarter (22%) of people contacting LawCare for support were primarily concerned about their career in the law. This is a dramatic increase from just over 8% in 2021. 

Impact Screenshot

22% of people contacting LawCare had career concerns

For the first time, the number of people with career concerns equalled the number of legal professionals seeking help because of stress (also 22%).

Listen to the audio summary of LawCare's Impact Report 2022

View infographic of LawCare's Impact Report 2022

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The number of people who contacted us with career concerns now equals the number of people getting in touch about stress. This willingness to question their life in the law may be partly a response to the pandemic: legal professionals could be reflecting on what they want from life and work and be less willing to stay in careers or workplaces that don’t meet their needs and expectations and could be undermining their mental health. There were a wide range of career concerns raised, from struggles with training to becoming a lawyer to wanting to retire early. We are also hearing from people who don’t see law as a lifelong career. We anticipate that in 2023 the number of people contacting us with career concerns may grow as the tough economic climate takes its toll.

Elizabeth Rimmer, Chief Executive of LawCare

Most of the people getting in touch are at the beginning of their careers 

During 2022, 60% of the people who contacted LawCare for support and told us how long they had been qualified were trainees/pupils or had been qualified less than 5 years. This is very similar to last year’s figures and suggests that junior legal professionals are still not getting the emotional support they need in their workplace. 

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Men’s mental health  

LawCare also saw a 3% increase in the percentage of contacts from men, which reflected the impact of LawCare’s report and work during 2022 to encourage more men in law to seek support for their mental health.  

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LawCare’s support service

LawCare’s support service was contacted 849 times for support in 2022.

  • We spent 250 hours talking to callers on the phone. The average phone call took 26 minutes – and the longest 1 hour and 33 mins. 
  • Our 36 helpline and online chat volunteers spent 3,826 hours manning the lines.  
  • Our peer supporters gave ongoing one-to-one support to 60 people.  
  • We trained 15 new volunteers in 2022.

For all media enquiries contact Elizabeth Rimmer, CEO, on [email protected] or 07951 277741 


Reasons for contacting LawCare in 2022
Addiction – 2% (11)
Anxiety – 12% (69)
Bereavement – 1.5% (9)
Career Concerns – 22% (128)
Depression – 8% (45)
Disciplinary – 5.5% (32)
Family and Relationship Issues – 2.5% (15)
Financial Difficulties – 2% (13)
Physical Health Issues – 1% (7)
Stress – 22% (127)
Vicarious Trauma/PTSD – 1.5% (10)
Workplace Bullying, Harassment, or Discrimination – 8% (47)
Other* – 12% (70)

*This relates to issues which do not fall into existing categories, such as redundancy.

About LawCare 

LawCare is an independent charity offering emotional support, information and training to the legal community in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. We work to promote good mental health and wellbeing in legal workplaces.

We’re here to help through our confidential helpline, email, online chat service and one-to-one peer support network. The helpline number is 0800 279 6888 and you can access other support, information and resources at lawcare.org.uk

We help all branches of the legal profession: solicitors, barristers, judges, Chartered Legal Executives, paralegals, trade mark attorneys, patent attorneys, costs lawyers, support staff and concerned family members.

Our support spans the legal life from student to training to practice and retirement. 

We're here to listen...without judgement

Contact our free, confidential, emotional support service for the legal sector
0800 279 6888
Email our support team [email protected]

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