Woman On Laptop

Working from home

Tips on how to look after yourself whilst working remotely

Our tips

Set up your space
It’s important to try and create boundaries between work life and home life, and having a dedicated area to work in can help. Not all of us will have an office or spare room to work in, but try and find a quiet area of the house where you can set up a desk area.

Stick to a routine
As tempting as it is to stay in your pyjamas all day or sit at your laptop at 10pm it’s important to get dressed and try and stick to a regular routine and your usual working pattern, where possible. This will help you stay focused and keep work separate from home life.

If you have to change your normal working hours or work flexibly due to childcare or other commitments set boundaries where possible. Perhaps you and your partner can do shifts, or you can work early in the morning or late at night in order to take some time off in the day. You might want to have a set time of day where you can’t be disturbed. Let other colleagues know about your routine and boundaries so you can manage their expectations.

Reach out
Keep in regular contact with colleagues, friends and family using phone, Skype, Facetime  rather than just sending emails and texts. It can be isolating working at home and we all need to feel connected to each other. It’s especially important to look out for those who live alone, make sure you are checking in with people.

Disable notifications
Avoid constantly checking your emails, whats apps and news feeds. It’s very easy to get distracted and sometimes too much information will trigger feelings of worry. Turn off alerts and check them every few hours so you can stay focused.

Take breaks
Take regular breaks, including a lunch break, just as you would if you were at the office. If practical try and get out for a walk every day.

Prioritise self care
It’s easy to let healthy habits slip when we are at home but make sure you eat well, get to bed at a reasonable time and find time to do some exercise. You might not be able to go to the gym but you can go for a run, do some gardening  or do an online exercise video.

It can be harder to call in sick if you are at home anyway, and many of us will be tempted to do a few hours work even if we are unwell. If you are ill, you really should rest, follow any medical advice and not work at all to protect your future health.

Be mindful
Mindfulness is about being in the present moment. None of us know what the future holds so try and focus on the here and now rather than the bigger picture.

Seek support
We’re all in the same boat, but these difficult, uncertain times will affect some of us more than others.  If you’re finding it hard to cope, just talking to someone can make you feel less worried.

"I called LawCare when I was on furlough and feeling very isolated from work and anxious about my future. I’d picked up a leaflet on LawCare from a conference and one day when I was feeling low I picked up the phone to give them a try. Someone answered within three rings and really helped me by listening to me, offering me a different perspective on things and making suggestions. Their experience and knowledge of the legal profession was invaluable and over the 45 minute call I started to feel much happier and calmer, it really gave me a lift.”

Call our free, confidential support service on 0800 279 6888

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