
Presentations and training

LawCare offers training on mental wellbeing, management and supervision, vicarious trauma and the new SRA workplace behaviour rules.

We also offer a 20 minute online presentation for legal workplaces and organisations about the support available from LawCare.

Get in touch to find out more: [email protected]

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Training for legal workplaces and organisations

LawCare provides evidence-based training for legal workplaces and organisations on:

  • mental health and wellbeing including workplace stress,
  • management and supervision
  • vicarious trauma, and
  • the new SRA workplace behaviour rules (England and Wales only).

We have been delivering training to the legal sector for over 20 years, informed by our research and insights from experience of supporting the legal community.  We have a thorough knowledge of the education, practice and regulatory environment in which lawyers work. 

Our engaging, interactive sessions are run by experienced, non-practising solicitors who have direct experience of listening to and supporting legal professionals through difficult times in their legal careers.

Our evidence-based training includes fictional case studies which are informed by real stories and scenarios we have heard through our support service. We provide practical suggestions and strategies to enable participants to tackle issues with an understanding of the role of regulation, and drive positive change in the culture and practice of law.

Our competitively priced sessions are usually delivered online in 60 minutes.

To find out more about our training email [email protected].

"The session you delivered was a roaring success and it was the best feedback we have received for training."

20-minute online presentation for legal workplaces and organisations

  • Find out about free mental health support and resources for your team
  • Learn about the challenges that people in the legal sector face
  • Discover how LawCare promotes better mental health in legal workplaces
  • We appreciate a donation to LawCare in return. 

"A huge thank you for your presentation at the training on Friday. It was very well received and everyone found it extremely valuable. I’m very grateful for the time and effort you put in."


Fit for Law

You can also complete our Fit for Law online courses for legal professionals which promote psychologically and emotionally healthier ways of working in the law. 

We're here to listen...without judgement

Contact our free, confidential, emotional support service for the legal sector
0800 279 6888
Email our support team [email protected]

Your Stories 

Real stories of people in the legal community who have experienced stress, depression, anxiety and more.

  • Istock 640180442 Super (1)

    My journey to an ADHD and autism diagnosis

    "As a woman, I, like many other autistic and ADHD women, learnt to mask my traits and so I went undiagnosed for 32 years."

    Read more
  • Rm Photo

    How I coped with anxiety

    "I felt really unwell – heart rate rising, breathing out of control, nausea, and an overwhelming desire to get out of the car."

    Read more
  • Pexels Darius Krause 2253938

    How I coped with stress

    "I collapsed in the office mid-deal, suffering from exhaustion."

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  • Shutter Stock Bought July 2024

    How I coped with occupational burnout

    Eric's story shows how recognising and addressing occupational burnout is crucial for mental health in the legal sector. He shares his journey and coping strategies, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and seeking support.

    Read more

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