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Life in the Law

Read our research study into how the culture and practice of law affect wellbeing.

Life in the Law 2025 will be launched on 15 January 2025. Sign up for our launch event at 12.30pm on 15 January here

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This research, the first of its kind in this country, looked at mental health and wellbeing in the legal profession and over 1,700 professionals from the UK, Republic of Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, and Isle of Man took part.

You can watch our recent Life in the Law webinar here. You can also read some of the Q&A's from the event.

Read our press release and download our infographic.

We would like to express our appreciation to The Solicitors’ Charity for their support with the publication and dissemination of this report

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"I think everyone needs to be responsible for wellbeing in the legal profession and any positive changes will be most effective if supported from all sides."

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We're here to listen...without judgement

Contact our free, confidential, emotional support service for the legal sector
0800 279 6888
Email our support team [email protected]

Your Stories 

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