
The Legal Mind Podcast: Reverse mentoring

Trish McLellan, Director of Engagement at LawCare, is joined by Trustees Rachael O’Connor and Kayleigh Leonie to talk about their reverse mentoring project.

Reverse Mentoring Image From Shutterstock Edited

Rachael and Kayleigh explain how reverse mentoring differs from traditional mentoring and explore the potential benefits it can bring to the legal sector.

They share insights from the recent reverse mentoring project (run by LawCare in collaboration with the University of Leeds and funded by the Michael Beverly Innovation Scheme) in which aspiring and junior lawyers from a range of minoritised and under-represented backgrounds mentored those responsible for trainee recruitment and organisational wellbeing within participant law firms.

They also describe how the project aimed to spark meaningful conversations in the profession around the connections between diversity, inclusion and wellbeing, and our hopes for the outcomes to support the development of training for junior lawyers to better embed positive wellness and inclusion practices.

Stylised image of a brain. Black background with the brain appearing lit up with connections. Text says Legal Mind

More about Rachael and Kayleigh

Rachael O'Connor is an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Leeds and a non-practising solicitor. She is passionate about diversity, inclusion and wellness both in legal education and the profession, and has led on wellbeing and inclusion strategies and interventions for law students. Her research expertise focuses on reverse mentoring as a diversity and inclusion intervention, as well as co-designing interventions with stakeholders and participants. Rachael has won prizes in the higher education sector for her work on reverse mentoring.

Kayleigh is a solicitor specialising in employment law and has undertaken research, written articles and published best practice guidance for employers on supporting the wellbeing of their employees on behalf of The Law Society of England and Wales.

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