
Webinar recap: How workplace culture and practices affect mental health in legal sector support roles

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On 10 October 2024 (World Mental Health Day) we held a webinar called: How workplace culture and practices affect mental health in legal sector support roles

The panel included Eric, a business development professional with extensive experience in several legal organisations, and Julie, a legal personal assistant with 30 years in a variety of roles. The webinar was introduced by LawCare and chaired by Adam from Pembury Legal. Panellists shared their views on the unique pressures of working in law firms and emphasised the importance of workplace culture and mental health.

Here are the key takeaways from the webinar

💚  The perception of law firms vs. the reality - long hours, stress, and a "lone wolf" culture often puts extra strain on support roles.

💚  We need to recognise that law firms are an ecosystem - every role (both fee earn and support staff) contributes to success.

💚  We cannot underestimate the importance of mutual respect, understanding how other roles contribute, and appreciating the particular pressures people in those roles may face.

💚  A culture of collaboration and communication is key: create a culture of teamwork and open communication to alleviate stress and support one another.

💚  Leadership sets the tone: culture and inclusion has to start from the top. Leaders should set the tone by addressing their own mental health challenges and leading by example.

💚  Empower yourself, and others, by working with organisations that match your values. It’s okay to look for new opportunities if the firm’s values don’t align.

💚  Be the change, drive that movement. Start small and think about your team, what can you do to change the environment and support each other?

💡 Top takeaway: To foster a mentally healthy workplace, we must look after ourselves and each other, recognise contributions, and create a psychologically safe space where everyone feels valued.

Want more detail? Then read on.

More detail

  1. Workplace culture in law firms: Eric highlighted that the perception of law firms often differs from reality, with larger firms appearing organized while departments may operate independently. He noted that partner compensation affects culture; rewarding individual success over teamwork can create a competitive atmosphere that may be detrimental to support staff. Additionally, he emphasized that each firm has its own culture, with some promoting long hours and others encouraging a healthier work-life balance, urging everyone to cultivate positive team dynamics despite challenges.
  2. Support staff challenges: Eric and Julie emphasized that business services professionals, such as those in HR and IT, often work long hours, including evenings and weekends, to support lawyers, yet they receive little recognition. Despite making up about 40% of legal professionals, their well-being is often overlooked as firms prioritize the mental health of fee earners over that of support staff.
  3. Encouraging respect and inclusion: Julie highlighted the importance of mutual respect across departments and suggested breaking down silos to promote teamwork through collaborative spaces. Both Eric and Julie emphasised that people should seek firms that share their values. It’s okay to look for new opportunities if the firm’s values don’t align.
  4. Prioritising self-care: Eric emphasised self-care practices like sleep and exercise to enhance job performance and inspire others, while Julie highlighted the importance of open conversations about mental health in safe spaces, like her firm’s well-being hub, where employees can share their struggles.
  5. Strategies for improving mental health: Julie urged firms to genuinely commit to long-term mental health strategies rather than treating it as a checklist item, while both panellists encouraged employees to take an active role in shaping workplace culture through team initiatives and broader organisational changes.
  6. Leadership and culture change: Eric pointed out that leaders set the tone for workplace culture. When leaders prioritise mental health and work-life balance, it positively influences the entire organisation. The panel highlighted the need to acknowledge the hard work of business services professionals, both in salary and daily recognition. Simple gestures of appreciation can boost morale. While the panel stressed the importance of recognising and appreciating the contributions of support staff to boost morale.


The webinar highlighted the unique challenges faced by support professionals in law firms, particularly regarding mental health and workplace culture. Panellists called for greater recognition of support staff contributions, alignment of firm values with individual values, and the importance of self-care and open mental health discussions.

Firms should go beyond treating mental health as a checklist item and focus on creating inclusive cultures that prioritise all employees' wellbeing. With strong leadership, firms can foster environments where both fee earners and business services professionals can thrive.

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